just herself
an ex-pat
a journaler
a sex geek
a travel blogger
boyfriend application
I spend large amounts of my time writing, talking, and thinking about sex. I spend considerably more time talking, writing, and thinking about it than doing it, and frankly, I think that’s the right balance.
I also spend large parts of my days designing, writing about and coding various bits of technology, from websites to software applications. I’m a self-professed geek, and proud of it.
Apparently, when you combine the two, you become a sex geek.
Sex & Technology
Satin Slippers – Editor & Founder
A popular erotica site for women that has consumed many hours of my coding, writing, and editorial life. I am a huge proponent of equal opportunity pornography. For me, publishing smut in a woman-centric environment intended to help women feel comfortable, confident and supported in their sexuality is a feminist mission.
cry me a digital river – Personal Journal
In addition to the coding done for this, my personal website, you will find me discussing sex and related matters with regularity in my online journal.
Pure Sex
Galaxy Publications – Columnist
Monthly sex advice column for Mensclub, a new men’s magazine; and occasional articles (from penis size to porn spam) for the more established Fiesta.
Lovers’ Guide – Writer
Non-fiction articles for this national UK print magazine, covering everything from sex positions to what to do when you come home and discover your bloke in your favourite pink frilly knickers.
Scarlet Letters – Contributing Editor
One of the web’s premier publishers of sex-positive creative and artistic work, and one of the oldest and most established sexuality e-zines.
Scarleteen – Advocate + Author
I volunteer time on the boards to help teenagers with sexuality issues from safer sex practices to pregnancy and emotional crises. I have also written a non-fiction article for this site.
Pure Tech
Web Portfolio – Designer & Developer
A place to show off the freelance projects I squeeze in between my other lives. You’ll find a fondness for databases and ASP; I can code other stuff, but this is my preferred platform.
OutFront – Moderator
I have been contributing my time and expertise as a staff member on the web’s leading FrontPage community for more than four years, from hosting and databases to basic HTML questions.
Carlton TV – Internet Expert
My fifteen minutes of television fame for the now-dead Raw TV series on ITV. “Raw TV” sounds like it would be about sex, but was actually light entertainment television for 20-somethings.
Technodyke – Technology Columnist
Coming soon to a dyke-friendly web browser near you, a monthly column on software and hardware for the technologically curious.